Lane County Application Process

Lane Transit District and Lane Council of Governments have now opened the STIF Formula Fund application process in Lane County for the 2026-2027 biennium covering the period from July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2027.

Apply for Lane County STIF Formula Funds


Application Instructions

Please enter the following information in Section 2. Qualified Entity Representing Subrecipient

Qualified Entity Name: Lane Transit District
STIF Plan Contact Name: Kathleen Flynn
STIF Plan Contact Title: Grants Specialist
STIF Plan Contact Phone Number: 541-682-3228
STIF Plan Contact Email Address:
End Date of QE STIF Plan: 6.30.2027

Who is eligible to apply?

Sub-recipients are eligible to receive STIF Formula funding through their Qualified Entity* by submitting project proposals for consideration by the Qualified Entity’s STIF Advisory Committee. Sub-recipients may be Public Transportation Service Providers, which are defined in the STIF Administrative rules to include cities, counties, special districts, intergovernmental entities, or any other political subdivision or municipal or public corporation that provides public transportation services.

It is not required that an entity be a Public Transportation Service Provider, as defined by administrative rule, to be eligible to receive STIF Formula funding as a sub-recipient. Other potential sub-recipients include but are not limited to nonprofits, private for-profits, or public entities.

*A Qualified Entity means one of the following: 1) a county in which no part of a Mass Transit District or Transportation District exists, 2) a Mass Transit District, 3) a Transportation District, or 4) an Indian Tribe. Lane Transit District (LTD) is the Mass Transit District in Lane County and therefore serves as the Qualified Entity for Lane County. As the Qualified Entity, LTD’s “Area of Responsibility” includes all of Lane County. Lane Council of Governments supports LTD as the Qualified Entity for Lane County.


Kathleen Flynn, Lane Transit District

Kate Wilson, Lane Council of Governments