One of the criteria the STIF Advisory Committee must use to evaluate proposed projects for funding includes whether the project would “increase the frequency of bus service to communities with a high percentage of Low-Income Households.” To aid in this evaluation, the STIF Advisory Committee must identify the areas of Lane County in which there exist a high percentage of low-income households.*

An interactive mapping tool has been developed to help visualize geographic areas of Lane County that have a high percentage of low income households. The following tool shows low-income households in Lane County by Census Block group.

*High percentage of low-income households means an area where the percentage of low-income households is above the State of Oregon average number of low-income households statewide in the same year.

Improvements benefitting areas with a high percentage of low-income households are not limited to services provided directly to these areas. Improvements may also include services that connect individuals from areas with a high percentage of low-income households with employment, services, shopping, social centers, places of worship, etc.